Random Acts of Kindness Blog

One of my favorite things in this world is to offer or see Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) being committed. The youth who helps an elderly woman put groceries into her car; the person in the drive-through who pays for the person behind them; the card of encouragement that is sent to someone who is feeling down. There are so many little ways we can make this world better. Post your R.A.K.s on this page!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

December R.A.K. Challenge

I am going to issue a challenge for each person who reads this to find one opportunity to do a random act of kindness during the month of December. The act is your choice. Then, come back here and share. Have fun and let's all go out and make the world a little better.



  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Lori_Soard said…

    One of the gals in church couldn't find a Doodle Monster for her little boy. It was the only thing he'd asked for. I bought her one off E-bay and am going to give it to her. I know they are on a budget, so it's going to be my Christmas gift to her and I'm not going to let her pay me.


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