Random Acts of Kindness Blog

One of my favorite things in this world is to offer or see Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) being committed. The youth who helps an elderly woman put groceries into her car; the person in the drive-through who pays for the person behind them; the card of encouragement that is sent to someone who is feeling down. There are so many little ways we can make this world better. Post your R.A.K.s on this page!

Monday, May 08, 2006

May RAK Challenge

Hi, folks! Spring is in the air in Indiana. Flowers are blooming and baby cows are everywhere here in the rural county we live in. I love baby cows! They look just like their Mama except smaller. They are too cute! Yes, I'm easily pleased :)

When the weather warms up, the girls and I always start thinking about RAKs we can perform. We're a little late this year, but ready to get back into the groove.

Our challenge to you for this month is to pay attention. LISTEN. If you just listen, there are needs all around us. It might be the person at work who is sad because she lost her pet she'd had for fifteen years. It could be a neighbor who you notice looks sad when you see her. Just pay attention. When you spot a need, figure out a way to fill it. If they just need an uplift, it's easy. Send them a nice card, put some flowers from your garden on their porch. You can also buy flowers at Aldi's now. They are very inexpensive (like 2.99 or 3.99). You can pick up a vase at the Goodwill for a dollar. The point is that it does not have to be expensive.

Now, here is the most important part of the challenge. You absolutely cannot let this person know the gift is from you. It MUST be completely anonymous. This can be tough. You'll have to be sneaky and creative. You may have to enlist the help of others.

I once sent roses to a neighbor teenager. We were close to their family and I knew she'd been going through a really tough time. I had to enlist her mother's help to keep it anonymous, because it was hard to coordinate when she'd be home to receive the flowers etc. I knew her mom would keep the secret though. I wrote some uplifting words about her future. Those flowers made her step a little higher and she was thrilled, her mom said. When she tried to figure out who'd sent them, her mom just told her that sometimes people think a lot of you and want to do something for you but they don't want any thanks. And that she should just do the same for someone else one day.

Once you've done your RAK for May, please pop over here and post your experience, how you played secret agent to accomplish it and what reaction you noticed from the person. Let's all make the world a little better this month!



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