Random Acts of Kindness Blog

One of my favorite things in this world is to offer or see Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) being committed. The youth who helps an elderly woman put groceries into her car; the person in the drive-through who pays for the person behind them; the card of encouragement that is sent to someone who is feeling down. There are so many little ways we can make this world better. Post your R.A.K.s on this page!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February RAOK Challenge

Hi, folks! I hope you found some opportunities to bless others this past holiday season. At Thanksgiving, I went with a group of women from my church and we delivered four baskets of food to families. These were huge, plastic tubs filled with enough food for at least a week. These families did not know we were coming. We were given their names by others and told they had a need. We showed up unnannounced. A bit rude, perhaps, but to see their reaction was such a blessing. One woman, a single mother who we heard was not going to be able to give her daughter a real Thanksgiving dinner was so moved that she began to cry.

Most ROAKs you will never see the other person's reaction over your gift, so this was really special. I still consider it a ROAK because most of these people did not know who we were or why we were giving them a gift. Please post the ways you were able to help others over the holidays.

My challenge to you for February is this--we are battling the long, dreary days of winter. Figure out a way to brighten just one person's life this month. Here are some ideas for ROAKs:

  • Leave flowers on the door step of a neighbor
  • Phone your local nursing home and get the name of a resident who rarely has visitors and send them a small gift and let them know you are praying for them
  • While in the drive through at your local fast food restuarant, pay for the person behind you too
  • When leaving a parking garage, do the same thing
  • Take the time to tell a stranger that you like her hat, purse, dress, etc. I once told a woman that I loved her beautiful white hair and that I hoped my hair turned that color one day. She beamed and said, "Oh, honey, you don't know how I needed to hear that." You never know what a blessing you might be to someone
  • Think of someone who needs a boost and send them an anonymous note that they are doing a good job or with a special Bible verse or quote.

Have fun!

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  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Lori_Soard said…

    Here is another idea...if you notice someone leaves their lights on in their car, take an extra minute to open their door and turn their lights off. If the door is locked, then go inside the business and report that they've left their lights on along with a description of the car.

  • At 11:56 PM, Blogger Lori_Soard said…

    Save someone's car...

    If you notice a loose shopping cart and will be walking by a cart corral, grab it and put it inside.

    Make sure you return your own carts too. This only takes a minute in most cases and is such a thoughtful thing to do. I hate those dings, don't you?


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