Random Acts of Kindness Blog

One of my favorite things in this world is to offer or see Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) being committed. The youth who helps an elderly woman put groceries into her car; the person in the drive-through who pays for the person behind them; the card of encouragement that is sent to someone who is feeling down. There are so many little ways we can make this world better. Post your R.A.K.s on this page!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

April Challenge!

Weather has grown warmer here in the Midwest and many of our elderly neighbors are worrying over how they will manage to mow their lawns, weed their gardens and a myriad of other weekly chores. If you know of an older neighbor who is not getting around as well as they used to, go over and pull their weeds or mow their lawn. Try to do this when they aren't home, so you can remain anonymous and they can enjoy the gift of someone doing them a favor without feeling beholden to you. If they are home all the time, go ahead and help them out anyway. My oldest daughter went with a group of youth last year and weeded, mowed and did quite a bit of work for a lady. She was very happy and relieved. Their help meant that she would not have to leave a home she's loved for many years or have to pay excessive landscape fees. It only took a couple hours of their time but the joy it gave both the kids and this woman can never be measured. Who can you help this month?